Experimentation is a desert planet with various buildings scattered around the map. Near the entrance to the The Facility is a train track on an elevated platform that runs across the map. The Fire Exit is located to the left of the Main Entrance up a set of stairs. From the Fire Exit there runs a pipe all the way back to the ship that can be used for transporting items back.
When employees enter the large hall where the main entrance is there is a chance that a large shutter door will close partially, with a loud jolt. If this happens enough times, the door will fully shut, forcing employees to instead use the Fire Exit.
The optimal path to get to the entrance is to go in a straight line straight towards the ladder up to the rail, then straight toward the main entrance. You will not take fall damage jumping off the rail on either side, so you can ignore ladders when returning to the ship.
It is possible for this ladder to be blocked by a large rock that can randomly spawn. If this happens, it is advised to walk to the right and find one of the alternative ladders.
Rarity is the base values the scrap has for spawning. The equation scrap rarity / total rarities = X then X * 100 = % gives you the spawn chance for a scrap. For example if you take the rarity for the V-Type Engine, which equals 90, and divide it by the total rarity value (the sum of all scrap rarities), which equals 613. 90/613 = 0.1468 and 0.1468 * 100 = 14.68 making our spawn chance for V-Type Engines on Experimentation 14.68% for v45.
Bunker Spiders and Snare Fleas are pretty common on Experimentation. While spiders can be avoided pretty easily, snare fleas in multiplayer can be pretty annoying when a crew forgets to bring a shovel to quickly get rid of them.
Eyeless Dogs are fairly common on Experimentation. But because they only begin to spawn very late, they can be avoided rather easily. Old Birds and Forest Keepers are very unlikely, but may be a challenge due to the minimal cover of the terrain. Consider traversing the pipeline by the fire exit if these become a problem.
Nighttime entities only start spawning at around 5pm on Experimentation. After 10pm enemy spawning drastically increases with its peak at 12am. Daytime entity spawning gradually decreases with time with most of the entities spawning at the beginning of the game. See Mechanics for interpretation.
"Swing of things" is on a water tower, on your right as you leave the ship, and
"Shady" is on the opposite side on the pipeline, reachable by jumping to the pipe from the fire exit and following it back towards the ship.
If you're lost, here's a map.