Offense is one of the more difficult moons in the game. It is harder than March but also offers more loot. It has a hazard level of "B"; however, it is substantially harder than Experimentation. Offense is the only moon where the Fire Exit is not easily reachable.
CONDITIONS: Believed to have splintered off from its cousin Assurance, Offense features similar jagged and dry conditions but differs in its ecosystem.
HISTORY: 21-Offense is categorized as an asteroid moon and seems to have not existed on its own for more than several hundred years. The industrial artifacts here have suffered damage; it's believed they were built long before 21-Offense was splintered off.
FAUNA: A competitive and toughened ecosystem supports aggressive lifeforms. Travellers to 21-Offense should know it's not for the faint of heart.
Offense is a desert planet with steep hills and a lot of abandoned machinery. There is a large scaffolding in the middle of the map that connects both map parts. There are several scaffoldings and structures spread across the map.
The fastest way to the main entrance is taking a slight right turn from the ship and following a straight line to the rocks. Once at the rocks, go through the small opening and hug the rock on the left. Follow the narrow path up the hill and turn right. The ladder to the main entrance is slightly downwards on the right. Employees can also climb the large rock on the right and then parkour onto the scaffolding if there are enemy entities in the opening between the rocks. To get to the fire exit, employees need to own an Extension Ladder or jump onto the large pipe that stretches across the map during the landing phase on the moon. Once employees master this jump, it can drastically increase the amount of loot and efficiency to get the loot back to the ship as the pipe leads all the way from the fire exit to the ship. This also allows easy and safe transfer of scrap during eclipse as long as the employees don't fall from the pipe.
The flood on Offense starts below ground level and slowly creeps up to Y 5. It is advised to utilize the pipe strategy when visiting this moon when flooded in order to have enough time to gather enough loot and bring it back to the ship. The terrain will be flooded at around 3pm.
Offense spawns at minimum 4 nighttime and 4 indoor entities at the start of the game. Although this can be very dangerous, when using the pipe strategy, nighttime entities can almost be completely avoided.
Thumpers and Spiders are the most common indoor entity on Offense. It is advised to bring a Shovel as both of these entities can be killed with it in a few hits.
Eyeless Dogs are by far the most common threat on Offense. They can spawn pretty early and in large numbers. Due to the rather large occurrence of Baboon Hawks, dogs and hawks can oftentimes be seen fighting and killing each other.
Nighttime entities start spawning at around 2pm on Offense. Contrary to easy moons such as Assurance or Vow, the nighttime spawn rate steadily increases from that point on until it peaks at 12am. Similarly to Vow, daytime entities have an extended spawn timer at the beginning of the day before also gradually decreasing with time. See Mechanics for interpretation.